Thursday, July 5, 2018

Breakfast 42 -- Hayley Kuehner

        A lot of people say wonderful, kind things about my work in Biloxi.  It is a passion, but when I go down there I often where a blue shirt, or an orange shirt, or the OG black shirt that says.

                     DO JUSTICE
                           LOVE KINDNESS
                                        WALK HUMBLY.
     It is easy to walk humbly because my job down there is not to do good things,  it is really my job to put young people and old people in the right place where they can do great things.  These volunteers work harder than any group I have been a part of -- their hard work is contagious.  They do do justice every day by standing with those that others have forgot or others disregard on purpose. And I think we are the smilingest, goofiest,  nicest group that goes to Back Bay Mission and kindness to others is just a natural by product of that joy.  And it is funny,  because just placing young women in these positions brings out the very best.  First it was Sam and Megan (Breakfast 26),  then it was Hayley or Shelby or Mary Grace,  lately well just read about half of these posts and you will find the most wonderful people in the world.

         There is a little one who always keeps going,  always with her own ideas.  I have tried to slow her down or stop her in the past but she usually as a good South St. Louisan rolls through those stop signs.  I once was working to describe the legacy of the Share Kindness trips,  and I was going to call the trips to Biloxi,  home games,  and the trips to other places,  away games.  When I was finalizing these thoughts,  I realized that a lot of the away games were just following Hayley to wherever she wanted to go.  She is right now trying to figure out how to go where children are separated from their parents to teach them,  but more importantly to hug them and make sure they know they are loved.   Hayley is quite good at all of this.  Once, she grabbed about 8 Chi Omegas from Mizzou and called her dad and me,  and the next thing we knew we were putting complete new flooring for people that Hayley had met walking down the street.  An hour before she called had Dad and was frustrated that the volunteer center in Moore, OK wanted the young women to walk around and give lemonade to people that were doing the work.  Boy, I would have loved to see the steam coming out of her ears at that suggestion.  Sure enough,  she found people to help right away,  and of course we had a wet saw and were cutting tile a couple of hours later.  All because Hayley decided to stride forward with a determination and a confidence that is far bigger than her size.

           Here is the other side benefit of spending a week at Back Bay Mission each year,  somehow in the deal I got adopted by the best family.  I have my friend John Kuehner (Breakfast 4) who has done so much for me personally and has always been there as a friend or the man who just all of a sudden puts a new AC system in your house.  What??  But the whole family is great,  Shelby and Hayley are always ready to help others.  Surprise, surprise.  Hayley is a teacher and Shelby is a nurse.  Hayley is a Special Ed teacher who is helping those that need just a little extra help.  She is a great teacher,  funny I have only seen her teach just briefly in Gulu, Uganda,  but I know she is a good teacher.  This year down in Biloxi she singlehandedly raised money,  got a shopping list,  and entirely filled a car with food and girls to restock the food pantry at Back Bay.  The car was so full that I did not even notice Gretchen Graf (a legitimate 6 footer) was in the car until most of the food was unloaded.  I was about to stay and help them finish their task when I realized that Hayley was in charge and I was simply in the way.  I hopped in my car and as I hit Division street tears rolled down my eyes.
Father Boyle says,  "he sees in the homies what they do not see in themselves.... until they do."  I have spend a decade telling talented, kind young women that they were going to exceed their own expectations and maybe even mine.   Now as I turned onto Highway I-110 from Division street,  I realized how DAMN proud I was of Hayley.  How blessed I was that she was in my life.

            The big omission on this breakfast lists are 4 young men from Gulu  Ronald, Amos, Geoffrey, and Julius.  They are my guys and I am so blessed that they are in my life now,  and hopefully will be for a long time.  Hayley is one of the few people on the planet who can understand these feelings.  Julius got her a job teaching in Uganda,  Amos was always there with a smile,  Ronald after just a few meters (Hayley will laugh here) of driving through the brush opened up his home and shared his family with us.  Geoffrey is one of the most resilient young men I have met in my life,  he has had more obstacles and hardship placed in front of him,  but he keeps moving forward.  Hayley got to see Geoffrey's quiet strength that comes out in just a few,  "Yahs"  I want to share Gulu with all of you, but Hayley is the one who figured out a way to make it happen,  Mom and Dad helped, and was once again where she should have been helping people.

           I really do not think I will submit a job application again,  as North Tech is my home.  But if there ever was a time I needed a job,  I would submit  Hayley as my Letter of Recommendation.  I know I am just a very small part of who she is,  but I am allowed to say the most wonderful words. 

           "I was her teacher"

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