Thursday, June 7, 2018

Breakfasts 15 -- Shelby Kuehner and Bethany Christo

          Today Breakfast was extended,  about a 2 hour breakfast.  Or a 10 minute stop tucked into a two hour drive to New Orleans.  I got up at 5:45 a.m. today and decided 10 minutes of snooze was better than a shower.  It turns out I would be wrong.  I told Shelby aka Snorkie aka Snorks on the trip that she was a key cog in this trip because she was affable.

           I thought my use was correct, but I googled it.  Here are the synonyms :


Every single one of these 30 plus words describes Shelby.  She is the perfect laugh and smile in a group of 40.  I cannot recall every talking with Shelby when she did not laugh or smile at the end of our conversation.  A perfect combination of her parents, and a true asset to what we try to do here.  We talk to the students about how if we cannot build community within our own small group than we cannot build that community and that kinship for the others.   Shelby found a way to talk to each of the 15 new students here,  she did it without fanfare or a big deal.  So I just called Carla over, a first time participant. Carla is a sprite who jumps from person to person with her own spirit and her own joy.  I asked a simple question and got a wonderful answer.  I asked Carla how she met Shelby,  she told me that when she first when to Mr. Milford's house for a construction meeting she got lost.  Waiting for her in the driveway was Snorks.  Carla walked up and said, "I'm sorry I got lost."  Shelby replied,  "Don't worry we all get lost sometimes."  and then the two of them walked to the backyard of an affable man......  warm, pleasantnicelikable

The world is moved along, not only by the mighty shoves of its heroes, but also by the aggregate of tiny pushes  of each honest worker.          Helen Keller

           Bethany Chriso  has heard the stories about Biloxi, mostly from her good friend Shelby,  she might have heard a story or two from Hayley also. But she decided that this year she would be going.  It is tough for the young professionals on this trip to take time off from work,  especially when their vacation is often so limited,  but  Bethany found a way for this to work, even though she could not make the whole week.  Bethany was always there with the right tool or a kind word.  The high school students really liked the way that she stayed with them last night and just spend time listening to their words and responding with a simple friendship.  A student told me that Bethany approached each conversation like they had been good friends for years,  not strangers who had only known each other for hours.  Bethany is small of stature, and when looking over the group would sometimes get lost amongst the high schoolers.  In the car ride to New Orleans her words and her compassion were not lost.  She stood up and made very good points about our group and who we were.  Her words really made me think and reflect.  I also believe that Bethany lived the Back Bay spirit, and grew on this trip.  It is the first time, we had a first timer of her age and intellect.  It was great to see this trip through her eyes.  I know the high school students were very appreciative of her kindness and her friendship.  

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